When the Cats Away, the Mice Do ALOT!!!

At the end of April, David was gone to China for 10 days. He was gone for business and we were excited about the opportunity for him to expand his professional knowledge, experience and exposure. I began praying as soon as he booked his flight for my time with my boys to be purposeful and meaningful and for the most part it was. I'm not going to lie, I went to bed some nights before Matthew was asleep and the house was dirtier than normal and I did loose it one day and cried before 7am. But with alot of help from Papa and Gaga and several friends checking in on me, it actually turned out to be a great 10 days that deepened my relationship with each of my boys and definately deepened my appreciation for David's involvement and committment to our family. (Single moms...you have my utmost respect and I'm ready to jump and help any of you whenever you need it).

So....on to what we got into while he was gone.

Lots of smiles. Though you wouldn't know it that he is "sick" with a virus this day. 

I decided to go ahead and teach Matthew to drive, just down Papa's driveway

Our regular donut date and Thursday morning fun

We perfected our best impression of Chuckie and entertained ourselves well

Lots of hide and seek and laughing, laughing, laughing. These kids seriously crack me up

We played Ninja Turtles and dressed appropriately

Friday night movie and popcorn in the Big Bed with Mommy (Yes, shortly after this picture I fell asleep and Matthew woke me up at about 9:15 to let me know the movie was over)

Had another soccer game. Matthew is waving at the plane that was flying over. David had told him if he saw a plane while he was gone to wave at it and Daddy would wave back so he had a close eye on the sky while he was gone.

Soccer is soooo much fun!!!!!!

Lots of walks and strolls in the evening

One night I got the fire pit lit and we had a backyard picnic. We cooked hot dogs and smores and later that night I enjoyed sitting out there with my book and a glass of wine after they went to sleep.

Lots of baths together

We taught Taylor to "jump" on the trampoline




And kept a look out for Daddy with our binoculars.

Whew. We made alot of memories and it was truly a joy to be with my boys one on one. David is vital and necessary to our family and it was good to have him home. He is still getting adjusted to the time change but is coming along. What an opportunity and I think next time, I'll go experience it with him...ha!!


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