8 Months of Pure Joy

To say I have an 8 month old kind of rocks my world. He is closer to one than his birth age (you're welcome for that math lesson) and it just seems like yesterday. I thought I would realize that and take more time but nope, any child grows up faster than any mother would ever want, I think.

I found myself snuggling with Taylor before bed the other night. He was restless and wiggly and I told him "No, Taylor. It's too early to not want to sit and snuggle." I then thought how fun it is to snuggle with a newborn and maybe we could.....slap ourselves into reality and never, EVER let us think we would want another newborn!!!!! Ha.

Anyways, these past few months have seen some milestones and continued development. Taylor continues to share his fun, easy going, happy personality with us. He is very flexible, which is a blessing since our bigger boy is on the go.

He is a eater!!!! We started him on food at 4 months and there has been no turning back with that. I think he will single handedly crash my grocery budget. He is eating 3 "real" meals a day and an afternoon snack. I just recently decreased his nursing to 3 times a day to match his meals. He wasn't really wanting to eat in the mid-afternoon so we shall see. I've found it easier to make more homemade meals with him since we are eating around the same time and just throw it in the blender. I won't say he's enjoyed everything I've made but it's just easier. He also is eating bite size portions of soft foods, bread, bananas, puffs, crackers, etc.

He sleeps great and goes to bed around 6:30-7 and wakes up about 12 hours later...Always with a smile and talk, talk, talking. He takes a cat nap  mid morning and usually a 2 or so hour nap in the afternoon. He and Matthew continue to be on the same "schedule" which is helpful.

He babbles all the time and this past week has been testing out his volume button. He also is a giggler and loves to laugh. There is nothing to fill the soul more than a baby laughing. He stands up on his own and at times can balance by himself holding on to something. He hasn't crawled yet but rolls everywhere!!  He also will spin and pivot around on his belly to see things but just hasn't quite got his rear off the ground.

Overall, we have been blessed by good health and good memories thus far in our family. We find that we are at that point where you can't really imagine what your family was like without Taylor, which is good to know we are settled, complete (yes, I said complete...no more) and happy.


Travis and Natalie Riley said...

Happy 8 months Mr. Taylor! I cannot believe you've been here for almost a year. You are so handsome and loved so much by your sweet parents. I hope to meet you someday soon!

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