9 Months!!!

We've been out of the womb as long as we were in it officially!!!  Taylor turned 9 months old a few weeks ago. This kid continues to be a laid back and chill kid. David was talking to him the other night telling him how pleasant and cool he was. He has moments, but those are typically when he's hungry or tired or both....pretty easy fixes.

He smiles All. The. Time. He is a giggler like his daddy and is always happy to see you (unless you are a stranger, old lady at church, or another woman when Mommy is still in sight....sorry if you are in that category). That being said, we have entered into the seperation anxiety stage. He's not a fan of when I leave the room and has started to not like being dropped off at school or church. We're working through it though. The other day Taylor was crying in the living room, as I just left the room, and I hear Matthew say "It's okay buddy, I'm still here." Man, that kid is awesome!!
He is still nursing just 3 times a day. We are definately getting a light at the end of the tunnel for breast feeding being a permanent thing of the past. He is eating alot of table food and seems to get excited about being able to grab things. He eats three times a day and one snack. This boy continues to be an eater.

He is sleeping well and has NO problem going to sleep. He is typically asleep by the time we get out of the room. Occassionally he likes to wake up at night just to talk, not crying, but really son, I don't have anything to say to you in the middle of the night that can't be discussed over coffee in the morning. We're getting to the point of beginning to transition out of his morning nap and he takes a healthy nap in the afternoon.

Big brother continues to be his best friend. They are inseperable and Matthew always wants Taylor to come where he goes. He "teaches" him all the time.

He is about to either crawl or walk, whichever one he can wrap his mind around first. He LOVES to stand and can do it for a long time. He can be crying sitting down but you put him on his feet and he is happy as a lark. He likes to hang out next to the coffee table.

His been converted to his big boy car seat and seems happy in it. He loves to talk and "sing". He says "Mama"...be still my heart, Dada, and got something like "Mat few" out the other day.

Taylor, you are the cutest thing and my little man. You look just like your daddy and have a sweet disposition. Thank you for your smiles each day and your innocent babbles that remind me of my role of protector and mom for you. You are a joy and I pray that you are a joy to others throughout your life. Don't quit smiling.


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