San Antonio 2013

We just got back from our 2013 Family trip to San Antonio for Sea World. What a fun time as both our boys were EXCITED!!! We have enjoyed being a part of Baylor Day at Sea World for the past few years, and really plan to do this for a while. It's a great deal as well as a good excuse to go to Sea World.

We left Friday afternoon and Matthew tried his best to entertain himself in the car. Would you really like to know how excited Matthew was....Below is him sitting in the car in the driveway. I was loading up the car and David was on his way home. He said he would just sit there until Daddy got home. He sat there (no worries, I rolled the windows down) for about 25-30 minutes. I kept asking him if he wanted to come in and he said he was fine.

He also entertained himself with my camera on my phone on the way down. I think I had to delete about 75 pictures.

Dinner at Old McDonald's half way and a time to change into jammies. We were hoping Taylor would fall asleep in the car on the way, which he did. He was asleep for about 20 minutes until brother discovered he was asleep and says "AHHH!!!  Oh, Taylor's awake now." This was one thing I guess we have to expect with two kiddos now.

This was Saturday morning. Excitement in its purest form as this is when we said we were leaving to go to Sea World. David showed Matthew on the clock "9:00" and said when he saw that we could go....below is when he saw it. 

Taylor is Mr. Chill and was such a champ all along the way. He's just smiling and excited wherever he goes.

We have arrived. Last year was HOT, but this year was wonderful weather and a real blessing.

Stretching our legs in line.

We first went to feed the dolphins, since we didn't get to last time. We had some time to wait in line and enjoyed snuggling and playing with the boys.

Why Hello there!!

Matthew gave the dolphins the fish and we wanted to see if Taylor wanted to touch them...he was not a big fan of that.

Can't look at everything fast enough!!!!

Giving Shamu Five

Then we were off to the Shamu show. Sea World really is great for kids as all the shows are shaded and its really nice to have a temporary resting point but still be entertained.

Again, Taylor is a relaxed kid. Most of the time he was either sitting up straight in his stroller on heightened alert, chilled out, like below, or...

tuckered out after finally getting cool. Don't worry he was pampered as I was standing here blowing a fan on him as well...that is the life.

Daddy and Matthew waiting for the roller coaster.

Matthew got a chance to run around in the water park while Taylor took a little power nap and was in 7th heaven. While watching him I was amazed at how big he is.

Our last show of the day at about 4:30...we are all a little wore out.

Saturday night we came back, ate dinner and Matthew and me went swimming for a while at the hotel. Everyone was quick to crash Saturday night.

Sunday morning we headed to Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch. It is a drive thru safari place where the animals come up to the car. We weren't really sure what to expect but were pleasantly surprised by it and would recommend it to others. Lots of cool animals.

The giraffe had just had babies a couple of months ago.

The boys.

This is why you take time to get away so you can have genuine quality family time.

Lots of deers and other animals that were hungry.

I don't know what's going on but it's pretty cool riding up front!!

Happy kid.

Longhorns (appropriately referred to as "Stinky Horns" at our household), Buffalo. We also saw Zebra, Antelope, Rhinos and Ostrich.

There was a mishap with an Ostrich that bit Matthew's finger. It didn't hurt him badly but scared him alot. Those things just charged the car. David was just saying how he had always wanted an ostrich when he was little, Matthew will now be tramatized any time he sees one.

After a picnic lunch we headed back home and Taylor is conked out

and Matthew is conked out.

Another successful trip full of memories, quality time, alot of fun, a little rest, and the best family a girl could ask for.


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