The Most Rewarding Title

I never knew the emotions, feelings, thoughts, actions I could have until I became a mom. I have a new found respect for my mom as I know what she did for my brother and me. I really feel like my heart is on my sleeve and waved around for all to see when I'm around Matthew. He blesses me everyday and God knows those special times when I really need it and here comes Matthew to deliver that blessing.

As I think about all the things I want to improve, learn, change, implement, in my life and my family, I was humbled by knowing my son loves me for me. He doesn't care if I have make up on, if I have 10 degrees or credentials after my name, if I'm skinny or fat, what car I drive, how much money we make, etc. What he knows is that I'm his mommy, and that's enough for him. May I strive to love like that.

He's a good kid. He's got a good dad who I could not have done any of the things I've done in life and with Matthew alone. He's our family's rock and a firm foundation.

So, thank you Matthew for allowing me to serve as your Mommy and to stand a little taller and prouder when I think of being your mom.


tiffanydavlin said...

You are a such a GREAT mommy!!! :) Love you and love that sweet Matthew! :)

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