Memorial Day Fun

Memorial Day Weekend for us circled around relaxing, friends, family and lots of water and swimming. It was a welcome break and extra day off to enjoy each other.

On Monday I cooked ribs, corn and beans for the "traditional" meal. So while everything cooked outside we played in the back yard.

I see you. 

Eating lunch outside...loving the weather 


We spent some time swimming at Papa and Gaga's house and really got worn out several times from all the swimming. He certainly loves the pool and is really starting to get a hang of it. He's got the doggie paddle down and has no fear of jumping in and getting his face wet. 

Here I come 

Fighting Gaga with the water guns...not sure who's winning 

Daddy made me fly higher than the trees! 

Definately fun memories and a great start to the summer.


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